Gifted Learners

Tukuna kia rere

Ministry-funded Targeted Additional Support

The following providers will support schools to identify their gifted learners and developing classroom and school-wide programmes to meet the learners’ needs. These programmes will support teachers and extend knowledge of effective teaching and learning strategies. This support will be provided in students’ own schools or kahui ako (cluster of schools).

Māpura: Gifted Ākonga – Tui Tuia | Learning Circle

Auckland and Northland (blended kanohi ki te kanohi & online PLD)

Nationwide (access to online resources)

Māpura provides a comprehensive support package for schools and kura to identify and develop programmes for gifted Māori and Pasifika learners and employs a pūmanawa | tāleni-centered approach. Māpura’s goals include enhancing the understanding of effective teaching strategies in identifying giftedness, improving responsiveness to gifted learners’ needs, and promoting holistic well-being in view of giftedness. By participating in Māpura, schools and kura can engage with a rich, culturally relevant educational experience that supports the diverse gifts and talents of Māori and Pasifika learners.

Two taumata provide support options for kura and schools:

  • Taumata 1: for teachers and kaiako across Aotearoa to access free digital resources in our Pātaka Rauemi.
  • Taumata 2: for teachers and kaiako from schools and kura with Māori and Pacific students in Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland and Te Tai Tokerau | Northland. Closing date for registrations is 9 August 2024.

To find out more and to sign up, visit Tui Tuia | Learning Circle or you can contact

MindPlus YourSchool – The Neurodiversity in Education Project (formerly New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education)

Nationwide online

MindPlus YourSchool programme supports teachers in designing their own half-day a week programme for gifted learners in Years 2–10 at schools or across Kāhui Ako. Teachers are trained as specialist MindPlus educators. After two years, teachers will be equipped to run their own programme using MindPlus platforms and resources.

To find out more and to sign up, visit New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education or you can