Gifted Learners

Tukuna kia rere

Evaluation of effectiveness

Determining the effectiveness of programmes that are out of school but connect communities of learners should adhere to similar principles and practices as for any other provisions. Useful resources on this site can assist schools with self-review.

Indicators of effectiveness of out-of-school provision include the following, based on Riley (2007, pp. 9–10):

  • The out-of-school provision/s should be integrated with other approaches, offering gifted learners a continuum of provisions.
  • A curricular model or framework should guide the scope and sequence of provisions. The curriculum should be differentiated to meet the individual needs, strengths and interests of gifted learners. The curriculum in out-of-school provisions should replace or enhance the regular curriculum, rather than being an ‘add-on’.
  • Close and regular contact between out-of-school providers, parents and other teachers should be facilitated. This should include opportunities to work together and regular, ongoing communication among all stakeholders (teachers, learners and parents).
  • Out-of-school provisions should be culturally appropriate and responsive to the needs of all ethnic minority learners, while at the same time not culturally isolating these learners from their peers.
  • Out-of-school provisions should be evaluated regularly to determine their effectiveness in reaching programme goals.
  • Professional development should be made available to all teachers, including specialist teachers, to develop their knowledge, skills and understandings of gifted learners and the programme itself.